Since I do not use Medco for my prescriptions, the current bane of my existence is my FSA (flexible spending account) administrators, PayFlex.
On a quarterly basis, they will pick a transaction and request receipts and documentation. And woe and misery to you if you do not make them happy with EOB's (explanation of benefits) from your insurance and receipts and statements from your service provider. They will freeze your card and you will not have access to your funds until you do make them happy.
Last month they decided to pick on our dental payments. I sent EOB's for Hubby, Surly Teenager and myself, because we all go to the same dentist. Well, that wasn't quite enough to instill happiness in them. So I called and talked to someone and some more exact information about what they wanted. Then I called the dentist and explained what PayFlex was looking for.
Naturally, the dentist office doesn't see things the way PayFlex does. Part of the problem is that since the 3 of us go to the same place and the insurance is under one policy, they have us set up as one account. So a "balance due" reflects anything from anybody.
So when Surly Teenager and I went in June and I paid $400 some odd dollars, it wasn't for just the stuff we were having done. No, because that would make things too easy. It also included stuff from earlier in the year. A couple of re-cementings that Hubby did, a left over balance from my visit in February. And stuff that we pay for that they don't file insurance on, because they already know it is not a covered expense. Things like that.
Well PayFlex doesn't see it that way. They see it as so you paid $400 dollars in June, show me EOB's and receipts dated from June that reflect this.
Major headache.
Anyway, I spent the better part of an afternoon getting this straightened out before I was off work for 2 weeks. I didn't want to go to pick up pain medicine and have my card declined. I called PayFlex after sending in the last round of paperwork and went over it on the phone with the person and got the final all clear, this makes us happy.
They lied to me.
About 3 days before I am due to return to work, I get a call from Hubby at the pharmacy, picking up prescriptions, that the card was declined. I go on line and look and sure enough, PayFlex had frozen the card because they weren't happy.
And it was for the same things that I had thought I had straightened out already.
I called and explained how I had already sent in everything and talked to someone and was told everything was fine. Well this new person couldn't see it, so the not happy verdict stays.
I was really not happy myself at the thought of having to do this all again, until I noticed that our remaining balance for the year was $17.
Fine. They can just STAY not happy until I feel like messing with it.
And for $17 it isn't going to be anytime soon.