Wednesday, May 12, 2010


My hiatal hernia is not bad enough to need surgery.  

I was given a recommendation for a different heart burn medicine.

If that doesn't help, and the acid reflux gets really bad, then I can have surgery if I want.  He would take out my band, fix the hernia and put in a new band.

That almost sounds good.  It's just that my insurance would not pay for the placing of a new band.  I'm not fat enough.  HA!

Who knows, maybe sometime next year if I find I have several thousand dollars extra lying around not doing anything, maybe I'll get it done.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Hanging out on the couch

I had a "procedure" this morning and I have certified medical instructions allowing me to just lay on the couch and be a lump.

Now those are some instructions I think I can follow!

I had an esophagogastroduodenoscopy, also known as EGD.

I am 4 years out from my lap band surgery, and my surgeon does them at that time just to check on things. After 4 years you are statistically more prone to erosion, where the band comes through the stomach lining; not a good thing.

The procedure was a breeze. It didn't hurt a bit. The worse part was getting up at 3:45 A.M. to be at the medical center by 5.

That, plus those procedure rooms are frosty cold. Two thumbs up for heated blankets, though!

I remember the anesthesiologist putting the sleepy medicine in my IV. I immediately got woozy and thought boy that stuff works fast, and thought about opening my mouth to say that but I didn't because I was already asleep.

About 10 minutes later I was waking up, and I was home by 9 A.M. I napped for a couple of hours. But I believe that was due more to the 4 A.M. alarm than anything else.

I feel pretty fine now, but doctors orders and all, so I am hanging out on the couch for the rest of the day.

The initial results: Good News and Bad News.

Good News: no erosion.

Bad News: hiatal hernia.

Good News: fixable! without having to lose my band!

Bad News: requires surgery to fix.

Good News: I am going to ask my surgeon if while he is in there fixing things up, if he can upgrade me to the new improved Realize Band.

Band News: No idea how my insurance is going to feel about any of this.