Saturday, July 25, 2009

How Cool Is This




That is 1 crocheted afghan, 1 comforter, one blanket, one quilt - all double bed sized, and 3 pillows.  (And one Hubby thrown in for scale.)

Friday, July 24, 2009

Losing Steam

This is getting old.  The getting up at 5 a. m. every morning.

Why so early?  

So I can eat something before I workout.  My band is tight in the mornings.  So I get up extra early, eat a piece of low fat toast, with bleh tasting, low everything, peanut butter and drink half a glass of milk.

Then I try and stay awake until 5:45 while I "digest".  I can't work out with stuff sitting above my band.  And it takes time for it to pass.

It was ok for the first 4 or 5 weeks.  The scale was going down.  That makes everything good.  But now the last few weeks.  Nothing.  Nada.  Zip.  Zilch.  Not losing a thing.  

Except my motivation.

That snooze button is starting to look mighty tempting.

Monday, July 20, 2009

No More Tonsils



And, of course, it wouldn't be complete without a Prescription Story to go with it.

They prescribed a medicated "lollipop" that you suck on and it numbs your throat.  Dandy!  But only one pharmacy in the area carries them.  No problem.  I go to the pharmacy drive thru and hand them the script plus my insurance card, since I have never been to that pharmacy before.  She goes away and comes back about 10 minutes later and hands me back my card and says, "you can't get these on insurance because they are a compound."  I have no idea what that means but said ok, thinking I will use my PayFlex card that is for our FSA.  Then I think to ask, "how much are they?"  She leaves and comes back 20 minutes later, to tell me they are about $6 a pop.  That's fine, I'll come back and get them shortly.  I leave to go to the other pharmacy for the rest of the prescriptions.  

That was when I happen to wonder just how many the doctor had written the script for.  I didn't look and I didn't think to ask.  Hopefully it wasn't going to be 20 or so.  No matter, I was paying with my PayFlex card.

I go to the next pharmacy (and you might be asking yourself, at this point, why I didn't just fill all the prescriptions at the one place.  A valid question, to which I don't have an answer.  I have no idea.  It just didn't occur to me.) which I don't use anymore but I decided to this time because it is a lot closer to home, and Surly Teenager was home alone.  Probably just sleeping, but still.

So I go to pharmacy #2 and give them the scripts, and have to come back in an hour.  No problem.

I go home, Surly Teenager gets up and has some soup, drinks some juice and goes back to bed.  

I go back to pharmacy #1.  The doctor only ordered 6 pops, with a refill.  Good deal.  I whip out the PayFlex.  Oh, oops, so sorry, says the clerk.  We can't accept PayFlex right now.  Some problem or another with Mastercard and Visa.  Lovely.  But on the bright side, it should only be a month or so and the problem will be fixed - of which I could care less because I don't use that pharmacy.

Back to pharmacy #2.  The antibiotic isn't ready.  It is a class that is close to penicillin, of which Her Surliness, is allergic, and there could be a reaction.  So they had been trying to get a hold of the doctor for a different medicine.  

Now, you may be wondering why did I not tell her surgeon that she was allergic to penicillin?  What kind of mother am I?  Of course I told them.  It was on her wrist band.  It was on the wrist band I had to wear so I couldn't take home the wrong surly teenager.  We were asked by at least 5 different people, are you allergic to anything other than the penicillin.  And yet, we get a prescription for an antibiotic that is closely related.

Any who, I pick up the pain medicine that is ready. And pull out cash to pay for it.  This completely confuses the clerk.  He says, "but I show you are on express pay".  I explained that at one time, yes, I was on express pay, it was automatically setup to charge the card on file.  The problem being that since I don't use that pharmacy anymore, that was an old card.  It was long expired and I had no interest in setting up a new express pay account.  I just wanted to pay with cash.  Of course that was a major production that took about 30 minutes for them to figure out how to do.

Later in the afternoon, I return to pick up the antibiotic.  I was so sure that by then they would have gotten hold of the doctor, I didn't even call and check first.  They did get ahold of the doctor, they did get an alternate medicine.  Only, they don't normally stock that medicine.  She only had about 1/4 of the prescription, enough to last 2 days, and they are ordering in the rest.  And OF COURSE it was a different clerk, so when I went to pay with cash, I had to go through the whole express pay drama AGAIN.  And I get to go back again and go through it all ONE MORE TIME.

But.  I'll you what.  No matter how annoying it all was, NO - I DO NO WANT GOVERNMENT SPONSORED HEALTHCARE.  I shudder to imagine the unholy MESS that would be to unscramble.  At least with my current plan, I know there is hope to eventually get it all worked out.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

I missed this news

I missed hearing about this in the news, so I'm not sure when it happened.

And a follow up statement by Dave Carroll.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Oh yeah. I have a blog.

As I was walking out the door this morning Hubby said "You haven't
updated your blog lately." And the thought that went through my head
was oh yeah, I have a blog.

I would like to say how exciting and adventure filled my life has
been, and that is why I forgot. But not really.

Surly Teenager is having her tonsils removed on Monday. There's some
excitement for you.

I jogged 1 1/4 miles this morning, Hubby did 1 1/2 miles. There's
some adventure for you.

And that's about all I have right now.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

It's Over

The long holiday weekend is over.  Big sigh.  No more holiday weekends until September.  Another big sigh.

Accomplishments for the weekend:
Hubby's shop, is now not only clean, it is organized.  (item moved to the Finished list)
Umm.  I guess that's about it.  That took almost all of Friday and most of Saturday.

Well, we went to the movies today.  Does that count as an accomplishment?

Oh.  Hubby finally bought good running shoes.  He is still getting used to them, but I don't think he likes them like I like my running shoes.  

Let's see.  On our last 2 runs, I switched to running by distance instead of time.  Which basically means a little longer workout, since I run a little on the slow side.  For now.

That's all I've got.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Construction Frustration

To the lady in the silver Tahoe, I heartily apologize.

I know how frustrated you were, because I was too.  It was nuts that what should have been a 10 minute zip down the road took over 30 minutes.  It was nuts that they put up the "Lane Closed Ahead" sign without saying WHICH lane ahead was closed.  It was nuts that they put the "Left Lane Closed" (which of course is the lane I was in) sign about 10 yards from where the left lane closed.  AND it was nuts that they also had the traffic lights blinking red at such a major intersection at lunch time, and did not have a policeman directing traffic.

Yes, you were in the wrong to not let me merge in front of you, when everyone else in the right lane was taking their turn and letting one car from the left lane over.

But, I shouldn't have called you that.  You deserved the horn blow, and the wild gesturing, which did NOT include a middle finger.  And you probably deserved some of the things I was shouting at you.  

But I apologize for calling you a fat cow.  I should be the last person on earth to say anything about another persons weight.  According to my BMI, I am still classified as Obese.    It's better than the Super Morbidly Obese (ye gawds how's that for sounding like a death sentence) which is what I was, but still.

I sincerely hope that by not letting me merge, and you thereby getting through the intersection about 30 seconds sooner, that your afternoon was greatly improved.