Saturday, March 28, 2009

He has A PLAN

This is my anniversary weekend. 

March 29th will be 6 years of wedded bliss (almost all bliss anyways) with my wonderful Hubby.
(It will also be 3 years since my Lap Band surgery.  But I will talk about that one later.)

Hubby has been on the crazy schedule this semester at school.  When he went to set up his schedule I told him to schedule whatever he needed to, whenever he needed to and we would everything else around him.  So it ended up with a clinical on the 29th, but nothing on the 28th.

He has been so busy and so tired, my only plan for today was laying around the house watching tv, or maybe go out to the movies, if we felt like getting out of our pajamas.

Well Hubby called me at work yesterday and asked what I had planned for us for today.  I explained the pajama plan.  He said good, because I have A PLAN.

And he won't tell me what it is.

I got a couple of little details so I would know how to dress.  He said they said casual, so he was going to wear something nice.  I said casual usually means blue jeans are acceptable.  He kept insisting that we should wear something a little nicer.  This morning he admitted that these people are MILLIONAIRES, so to them "casual" probably just meant "not black tie".

Well ok then.  No blue jeans. 

 And now I have to go do something with my hair and paint my nails and pluck my eyebrows and remove my mustache and pull everything out of my closet in hopes that somewhere in there is something suitable for millionaire casual.

Wish me luck.


Anonymous said...

This is unfair to leave us hanging.....


Lazy Teenager said...

So.. what'd you do?!