Friday, March 27, 2009

Letting Go

I was reading an article yesterday about working out on treadmills and
about how the majority of people don't get the full (and some not
any!) benefit of their workout - because they hold on. And I can see
that. I have seen people who support themselves so much with their
arms that it almost looks like their feet aren't touching.

They also talked about how it can also cause problems because you are
throwing you body out of it natural walking/jogging/running alignment.
I can see that too.

Confession time...I am a holder on-er. Now, I am NOT a support my
weight on my arms so my feet barely skim across the treadmill belt,
kind of person. I rest my hands lightly on the top of the side rails,
and sometimes the front bar. But according to this article even by
doing that, I am cheating my workout.

When I am doing it, I do it for balance. I always feel like I am just
about to get my feet tangled up and go splat. Grace and coordination
are not my strong points. According to them, that is just an excuse.
They say it is just a bad habit that I picked up and now my body has
learned it that way.

So I have to un-learn my body of that bad habit. The way to do it?
Go slower. It said even I if you have to turn it down to 1.0 to be
able to walk naturally without holding on. Then gradually increase
the speed. Your body will learn. If you can walk across the floor
without having to hold on to something for balance, then you can walk
a treadmill without holding on for balance.

There are no classes at the gym on Friday nights, so tonight I start
with my re-learning.

Luckily, there won't too many people there to witness my splatting,
going a mere 1.0 mph.

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