Wednesday, June 10, 2009

On The Run

Yes it's true. I have started running. I guess "running" isn't
exactly correct since what I am doing is much, much slower and no
where near as athletic. Not yet anyway.

Hubby needs to be able to do a timed run for the Fire Academy. So I
decided to train with him. The Couch to 5K comes highly recommended,
so that's the plan we are following.

You start out slow and alternate short bouts of running with longer
bouts of walking. They got the timing just right too. The end of the
running time was pretty much when I couldn't breathe anymore and
started thinking Oh my God, this is the longest 60 seconds I have ever
suffered, please let it be over now. And the end of the walking time
was pretty much when I could breathe again.

So even though I was so slow that I got lapped by a Mom and her 2
little kids, I kept going. And then I got lapped by a really old guy,
but I kept going. And even when I got lapped SEVERAL times by the
young stud with the iPod, I kept going.

And I didn't hate it. I always thought I would hate running. I
always declared that the only way I would be running is if someone was
chasing me with a knife. But not only did I not hate it, I can see
how it is enjoyable.

Once you can do it and still breathe, that is.

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