I have bags of frozen black bananas in my freezer.
On purpose.
One of these days I intend to make banana bread.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Hob-Knobbing with the Hoity and the Toity

Saturday, March 28, 2009
He has A PLAN
Friday, March 27, 2009
Letting Go
about how the majority of people don't get the full (and some not
any!) benefit of their workout - because they hold on. And I can see
that. I have seen people who support themselves so much with their
arms that it almost looks like their feet aren't touching.
They also talked about how it can also cause problems because you are
throwing you body out of it natural walking/jogging/running alignment.
I can see that too.
Confession time...I am a holder on-er. Now, I am NOT a support my
weight on my arms so my feet barely skim across the treadmill belt,
kind of person. I rest my hands lightly on the top of the side rails,
and sometimes the front bar. But according to this article even by
doing that, I am cheating my workout.
When I am doing it, I do it for balance. I always feel like I am just
about to get my feet tangled up and go splat. Grace and coordination
are not my strong points. According to them, that is just an excuse.
They say it is just a bad habit that I picked up and now my body has
learned it that way.
So I have to un-learn my body of that bad habit. The way to do it?
Go slower. It said even I if you have to turn it down to 1.0 to be
able to walk naturally without holding on. Then gradually increase
the speed. Your body will learn. If you can walk across the floor
without having to hold on to something for balance, then you can walk
a treadmill without holding on for balance.
There are no classes at the gym on Friday nights, so tonight I start
with my re-learning.
Luckily, there won't too many people there to witness my splatting,
going a mere 1.0 mph.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Two Left Feet Doesn't Even Come Close
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Water Aerobics
I made sure and got there 20 minutes early. I knew it would take me
that long to be able to get in the pool. The water is always FREEZING
And no, it is not easier to just jump in all at once and get it over with.
It is physically painful to me to just jump in, when the water is
cold. I have to do it in my own time, which is slowly, inch by inch.
The instructor claimed the water was at 79 degrees, and was supposed
to be at 82. I think it was more like 62 degrees, and they usually
keep it at 75. Brrr.
Even while "jogging" from one end to the other, I was shivering and
covered in goose bumps.
Aside from the chill, I liked it alot. Water exercises are great;
jogging, lunges, crunches; all things I can barely manage on land, and
not without a bit of discomfort. But in the water - look out. You
don't feel a thing.
Until several hours later. When you go to get up off the couch and
kind of...get stuck...in a kind of half standing, bent over position.
Monday, March 23, 2009
Have A Sooouuuupah Day!
Now normally I would not recommend an all you can buffet. They are
just a bad idea when you are trying to lose weight. For me anyway. I
always feel like I have to get my money's worth. Heaven forbid I only
eat one plate when IT'S! A! BUFFET!
I first went to a Souper Salad shortly after my lap band surgery. I
was on a liquid diet 2 weeks before and 2 weeks after. One of my
allowed things was soups. By the 3rd week I was so sick of cream of
chicken, and tomato soups that I wanted to cry. Then someone on the
forum I read mentioned Souper Salad.
We went there that night for dinner.
Seafood bisque. And some kind of gumbo. Oh my goodness. I could only
eat the broths, but they were soooo good.
Also, the one by us allowed me to pay for my 2 soups to-go, and still
sit at the table and eat them. Usually buffet places won't let you
sit and eat out of your to-go container. I thought that was very cool
of them.
I don't know why we didn't go back there much after that. I just sort
of forgot about them.
Surly Teenager and I went out to lunch the other day and she requested
Souper Salad. I was hesitant about being faced with A! BUFFET!, but
said ok.
I'm glad I did. I had forgotten how good their soups are! Seafood
bisque again, and Cherokee Joe's Cornbread Soup. Yumminess!
Surly Teenager found a new love for blueberry bread.
On the bottom of their receipt.....Have A Soupah Day!
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Homes Away From Home
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Reading The Schedule Correctly Helps
Friday, March 20, 2009
Dr. Google
out to be quite common.
It is most common with runners, because of the high intensity cardiac
workout you get with running.
I wasn't running, but it was a more intense level of cardiac workout
than I usually do. And my body responded with a "what the heck are
you doing?" response.
Now what the actual cause for this happening, is a debated issue.
Some people believe it is from an electrolyte imbalance. Either too
little or too much salt. In my case I would say too little. I hardly
ever use salt and when I do, it is "No Salt" brand salt substitute.
The other school of thought is that the increased cardiac output
causes a centrifugal force kind of effect, where the blood pools at
the "outside" edges of your body - hands and feet.
So there you go. Sadly, I am NOT allergic to exercise.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Bwak Bwak Bwak
I'm a little scared
I googled around a little to see if I could find a review of the
class, and I found a description and a short video.
It includes "athletic style drills". Whatever those may be, they don't
sound fun.
There will also be jumping jacks and jumping rope.
Um, yeah.
Jumping rope.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
I may have over done it a bit
Monday, March 9, 2009
She Does Nothing Half Way
I finally took her to the doctor last week and they took blood. They
were thinking either strep or mono.
Turns out it's BOTH.
Hubby is picking her up from school so she doesn't start an epidemic.
Good thing spring break is next, she won't miss as much school.
Friday, March 6, 2009
Some Good Numbers and Some Not So Good Numbers
And The Angels Did Sing
what prompted it.....
Lazy Teenager got a job.
Orientation Sunday, starts Monday.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Long Winded
he does like to go on. And on.
I was just listening to a voicemail message that he left me. He went
on for so long that I actually forgot that it was a message and that I
wasn't actually talking to him.
I started uh-huh-ing and really-ing and at the end got about half way
through with the I love you, too before I remembered.