Sunday, October 12, 2008

mmmm-Vanilla flavored barium

Hubby had a CT Scan on Friday to check out the hernia.  Thursday night he had to drink a big thing of barium, then another one Friday morning.  Then he had to chug some right before the test.  Plus he got an IV of contrast stuff.  Bleh!

Doc said if it is small enough she could do it out patient with one little incision.  Otherwise, it would have to be done laparoscopic.

If he gets it done before the Christmas/New Year's holiday's, he will have plenty of time to recoup because his work closes for about a week and half every year.  

I would like him to wait until after the first of the year - replenishment of the Flexible Spending Account, you know - to cover the out of pocket part we will have to pay.  Otherwise the Christmas Bonus check, that was going to finish our bedroom - FINALY - will go to medical.  Plus he would be recuperating, thus conveniently unable to even work on the bedroom.

I haven't had WALLS in over 4 years people!  

And it's not like he's in pain. 

Not much, anyway.

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