Tuesday, February 2, 2010

What a lovely sight to behold

Guess what I saw when I got home tonight? It is actually more of a what I didn't see.

A bulldozer.

No more bulldozers! They are finally finished!

We have been surrounded by bulldozers since APRIL.

This has more or less been our house for the last 10 months.

They started with the street and then the sewer and then putting in a sidewalk. Then around the end of December it turned into replacing the part of the sewer that runs between our house and the neighbors.

Protesting did no good....

"It's a bypass. You've got to build bypasses"

(nerd award if you know what that is from)

We could not park in our driveway while this was going on. There were strange men in our backyard. There has been dirt everywhere. The heathen neighborhood boys were constantly climbing in/on the equipment and supplies.

Tonight when I came home it was all over. I can now park in the driveway again and not have to worry about moving the car before 7 am, or possibly get blocked in.

AND we got a new section of fence.


~Gretchen~ said...

nice work, arthur dent!

i hope their equipment wasnt too seriously damaged by my minivan ;)

Anonymous said...

It reminds me of the much briefer time the city of Abilene dug up the major sewer line that runs under our West driveway. All we got was new "pea gravel" the side of tangerines and part of my crape myrtle uprooted and killed. As they departed, they informed me that a main water line runs under our East drive way.
