Monday, September 29, 2008


I just realized; NONE of the pictures have captions.  

No names, or dates or anything.

I think I am going to cry.


I don’t know what I was thinking


I was in our updated version of iPhoto last night and happen to notice we had 4,575 pictures.  That’s a lot of pictures.


And most of them aren’t overly organized.  Hubby tried to organize some of them a year or so ago.  Which was better than nothing, and fine by me.  But for some reason last night, it bothered me.


So I started organizing.  It was a slow start because I couldn’t decide the best way to proceed.  This lead to a spirited discussion with Hubby about the benefits of Events vs Albums.  I still don’t get it, but I let it go because he was just getting sooooo worked up about it.


I created new folders and new albums and I am contemplating Smart Albums.  I have to redo the ones he organized because I have a different version of organized than he does.  I think it may actually be easiest if I just empty all the albums and start from scratch.


I don’t know what I was thinking – that I had a ton of free time with nothing to do? – HA!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

I need a new egg timer

Apparently the one we have is defective. 

It beeps only at a frequency that can not be heard by HUSBANDS.

Even when they are the ones that set it.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

I'm Married To An Old Man

I had hopes that marrying someone 11 years younger than me would help keep me young.  Apparently the opposite is happening; I am aging him.


He went outside the other day to yell at the neighbor kids.  They were on his lawn. 


He said britches the other day.  With a straight face.


He has a hernia that troubles him sometime.


And don’t even ask him about his sciatica.  Oy.


Not just an old man.  An old JEWISH man.



Saturday, September 20, 2008

BooBoo Spot

Hubby had mentioned a few months ago that after working out at the gym on the equipment he felt really nauseated.  I didn't really think much about it at the time.  I just thought he did too much.

This week he mentioned again how nauseated he felt after working out.  This time something went click.  Hernia.

We pushed and poked around on his belly.  Sure enough, he has a spot above his belly button, where the biggest incision from the gallbladder removal is, where he is tender and it kind of pooches out a little bit.  

We went to the doc yesterday for an actual professional opinion and he concurred.  Hernia.  He said the losing of the weight would help it, and didn't know if it required surgical repair.  So Hubby has to see a surgeon.

My Lap Band doc does general surgery as well, so Hubby is going to see him.  I told him he should get doc to slap on a Lap Band while he was in there.

Hubby said he is not willing to give up spicy food.  He likes his mother's canned Red Chili Sauce too much. 

Thursday, September 18, 2008

On Hold

I have decided to put school on hold.  Indefinitely.  

I was originally waiting to make sure I wasn't losing my job.  And I'm not.  

Then I decided that maybe I should wait until after I am done with plastic surgery.  I would have to miss a significant amount of classes.

I think now I have decided that I may not go at all.  Lately I am feeling like I may not have the required brain capacity to learn anything new.

Surly Teenager needs help with Geometry almost every night.  The other night she was asking about vertical angles, I think it was.  I don't remember ever hearing that term.  I had her read me the definition. Several times.  Then I looked at the picture example that went with it.  One diagram was labeled "An Example", the other said "Not An Example".

I don't know.  Both diagrams looked the same to me.  I just didn't get it.  I had to send her to Hubby for help.

Good thing he is so smart because if it was up to just me, Surly Teenager would not be able to pass Geometry.

Monday, September 15, 2008

What Could Be Better?

This is Rosie.
The greatest Christmas present EVER.

Rosie supplements my weekend vacuuming by running 2 or 3 times during the week.  If she didn't, we would be buried alive under the mounds of hair the dog, the cat, the Surly Teenager, and myself manage to shed.  

Notice I did not include Hubby in the shedding.  His shedding contribution is very minor.  But his DUST contribution is through the roof.  Well, not dust exactly.  Baby powder.  You would not believe the amount of powder this man uses.  He "poofs" powder from his pores. There are layers of powder on everything in our bedroom.  Which is where he primarily does his powdering.  The floor becomes slick with it.  It looks like a snowstorm has passed through when he is done.

In fact, it is so bad that poor Rosie is not able to keep up with all the hair and all the powder.

We have had to call in reinforcements.  Help is on the way!!
I specifically requested that they send a boy.  We are hoping he and Rosie will mate and we will come home one day to a fleet of baby Roombas.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

No One Was Hurt

Well, Lazy Teenager has gone and done it now.

She wrecked her roommates car.

She was in a parking lot, on her cell phone.  She didn't yield, there was no sign (but there probably should have been) and pulled in front of someone and they hit her.

The other car had some minor damage.  The car she was driving is bad enough that it is not drivable and the insurance company will probably consider it totaled.

Her reaction to this was just deplorable.  Roommate was understandably upset with Lazy Teenager.  He told her that, all things considered-wrecking his car, no job to help pay for any bills- that she should move out.  Her reaction?  She starts yelling at HIM.  She tells him that she is mad at him and doesn't want to talk to him right now.  Roommate then APOLOGIZES to Lazy Teenager and says that he was just concerned about her and that she doesn't have to move out.

I can not believe her.  She takes his car without his knowledge, drives it WITHOUT A LICENSE, then wrecks his car and he ends up apologizing to her!


Friday, September 12, 2008


Batten down the hatches Texas!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

In Remembrance

"We remember all those who were taken from us in an instant and seek their lasting memorial in a safer and more hopeful world."

--- U.S. President George W. Bush, 2008 Patriot Day Proclamation



Tuesday, September 9, 2008

McDonald's, I'm Offended

Is this offensive?  Anyone? Anyone? Do you feel racially slighted when you see this?  Is your first thought, "Hey no fair!  Only 'yellow' people are allowed to be happy?"  Uh no, probably not.

So why then did McDonald's feel the need to put up a sign that states they are NOW HIRING SMILING FACES, with the standard yellow smiley face and include this?

So are we to conclude that they are only hiring African Americans and Asians?

I'm offended. There are a slew of other groups out there that McDonald's did not represent on their sign.  Are these others not welcome to apply at McDonald's?

Political correctness can be taken too far.  Lighten up people.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Up to her old tricks again

Lazy Teenager has been out of the house since last April.  We did the "tough love" thing and made her move out because she wasn't going to school, didn't have a job, was stealing and lying. 

She found a friend of a friend to take pity on her.  She has been living with him ever since.

She never got a job.  He has been supporting her.

She did actually go back to finish high school.  She is only 1.5 credits short.  This is her schedule:

1st period: off
2nd: marketing
3rd: child development
4th: office assistant

So she only has 2 actual classes, and she doesn't have to be at school until 9:30.

Today I received, for the SECOND time since school started 11 days ago, a recorded attendance message that she was counted absent.

I would love it if someone could explain her to me because I just don't get it.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

A Necessary Evil

Man I hate exercising.

I'm not even sure why I hate it.  It's not the sweating - I don't care if I get sweaty, I can take a shower.  It's not the time - it gets me out of the house to do something.  It's not the monotony of it - I watch TV at the gym while I'm there. 

 So what?  I don't know.  It's like a chore, it's something I have to do - like going to work - whether I like it or not.

If I watch what I eat, I lose a little bit here, a little bit there.  If I exercise, but don't watch what I eat so much, I maintain.

But when I watch what I eat AND exercise, I lose quite a bit here and a lot there.  

I had not exercised in several weeks.  About a week and a half ago I started walking 1 mile on my lunch time.  Again.  And I was eating good.

Yesterday's weigh in - I lost 7.6 lbs.

Man I love exercising!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Guest Entry-Written by Hubby

I have a sickness.  

I got it from my mother.  I like spicy food.  A lot.  You know those red peppers that come in orange chicken?  I love those.  Especially if it makes your eyes water when you bite into one.  At Hooter's they have 5 levels of hotness for their wings/sandwiches.  I like the hottest, the thing comes out covered in dark red sauce from all the peppers in it.  Then I add extra sauce to the other side because they only sauce the top.  Then I also put it on my fries.  I have a cayenne pepper shaker (one in each car of course, and one in my desk at work) to make my own spicy chicken sandwiches if I get one from the value menu at Wendy's or McDonalds.  

But I have now reached an all time low (high?)  I started drinking salsa from a glass.  

I have been making quesadillas with lean grilled chicken breast, fat free cheese, low carb tortillas and fat free sour cream.  But dumping salsa all over them was a mess, so I can now just take a bite and have a mouthful of salsa to go with it.  I get Pace salsa in the 64oz jug, sadly they only have medium in this size, but I cannot afford my salsa habit unless we get the Sam's Club size.  I had Wifey pour it into containers to freeze and just keep one in the fridge at a time, but only because the jug doesn't fit in the fridge.

The sad thing is I only came up with the idea because I was hungry, didn't want to cook, am trying to eat only core foods (weight watcher's) so I was looking in the fridge and thought Ooh, Salsa! what can I put that on and failing any healthy ideas that didn't require the grill or stovetop just poured and drank a glass of it.  I can justify it because people drink V8, which is nasty, and spicy V8, which I thought sounded nasty, but now I am wondering.  Because Picante Sauce is really just tomato juice with onions and peppers in it. 

They should sell it in cans in vending machines.

Monday, September 1, 2008

More! New! Stuff!

Shopping is just too much fun.  It should be illegal.  Or maybe you should have to get a permit that limits the amount of time and money you spend.

Sunday we went to the furniture mecca that is IKEA.  I swear I can hear the angels sing when ever that name is mentioned.  IKEA.  Did you hear it?  IKEA is a wonderous experience.  They have room upon room displays set up.  They have a cafeteria with swedish meatballs (among other things) and they are an extremely kid friendly place.

For under $200 we came home with a new coffee table, 2 new filing cabinets (2 drawer kind), a big piece of plastic to put in front of the desk , one bracket shelf  and 2 floating shelves.

And if you are sitting there thinking that we didn't any of that stuff - yuh-huh, we did so!  And now I am going to justify each item.

1. coffee table - we moved the bookcases off of the wall they were on, to behind the couch.  We had to move the couch a little closer to the tv.  The old table didn't fit well.  PLUS it didn't match any of the other furniture in the living room because it was the one Hubby bought right out of college.

2. filing cabinets - yes we already had one, a 4 drawer one.  Hubby was using one of the drawers for gun storage and I had the other 3 for actual files.  He decided he needed more drawers for gun storage.  Okay, and his school stuff.  So I got new ones.  They are smaller and fit better in the spot.  And my handy Hubby fastened them on top of each other so they look like a 4 drawer, only it didn't cost as much as a 4 drawer.

3.  big piece of plastic - the wheels on the chair are marking up the floor.  

4.  bracket shelf - for the telephone and our digital picture frame.  The telephone had previously been sitting on a bar stool that matched the coffee table and was also bought by Hubby right out of college.

5.  floating shelves - for Hubby's ceramic work.  We have never had any place to display them, so they have been staying with his parents.  Now they will get to come home.

See.  Totally necessary.