Friday, July 25, 2008

What to do, what to do?

I am going to get the house ALL TO MYSELF for several hours in a row this weekend.

But I can't decide what to do with this opportunity.

I could clean the house and sit back and watch it STAY  clean for hours at a time until Hubby or surly teenager comes home and doesn't pick up after themselves.


I could take a nice long bubble bath without having someone come barging in to use the toilet.


I could sit and read, or cross stitch, or do a jig saw puzzle without having someone holler from across the house so I have to get up and see what they can't possibly manage to take care of on their own.

I am giddy at the thought of it.

1 comment:

~Gretchen~ said...

you could call your mother in law and wish her a happy birthday tomorrow.