Monday, October 28, 2013

Answer To The Pet Dilemma

I have always had pets. 

As a kid, and into adulthood and parenthood, I have had, at one time or another: dogs, cats, rabbit, mice, hamster, gerbil, fish, parakeet, baby duck, baby chicks, turtle, guinea pig, hedge hog, snake, frog and for a few months, a baby squirrel my dad ran over with a lawn mower.  (Never got around to a ferret, but I always wanted one.)

I love having a pet. A house feels more homey with a pet in it. 

The older I get though, the less I want to deal with all that goes with pet ownership. I'm tired of the extra responsibility pets require. Especially, the ones that don't let you go out of town for a few days without making plans, and the ones that are messy. 

I'm tired of hair everywhere and on everything. 

We lost our sweet Australian Shepherd, Hayleigh, earlier this year. My husband and I agreed we would not replace her. 

The cats have been banished outside for several years now for suddenly peeing everywhere.  We tried bringing them back in a couple of times but they immediately went and peed on something. Nope. 

The fish were dying off and I gave the aquarium to my daughter. 

My house is pet less and kind of empty. 

But not for long:

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