Monday, June 28, 2010

New Additions

This is Borrowed Daughter and her new little friend Revlis. (Borrowed Daughter is the one on the left.)

Borrowed Daughter has decided to brave the wilds here in BananaLand so she can go to school. She wants to be a chef, and wants to attend Le Cordon Bleu. And they happen to have a campus in this area, so we offered her the opportunity of living amongst us in order to go to school.

Silly girl, I mean brave girl, thought that sounded like a good idea.

Revlis is to help make the transition a little easier. She had to leave behind her 2 cats in order to come here. Grown cats don't transplant well, especially to a house that already has pets.

Surly Teenagers friend's cat had had a litter of kittens. Surly Teenager had snuck the kitty into her room and it had been living here for a couple of days before I even noticed. When I started to turn blue and my head started to spin around in circles Surly Teenager said all innocently, batting her eyes, "But we could give it to Borrowed Daughter, so she won't be sad."

Hmph. Pretty sneaky sis.

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