Friday, August 28, 2009

When did I turn into a curmudgeon?

I pulled up to the stop sign on the corner by my house and there were all these kids milling around by the end of the driveway.  And in the yard!  And one of them had a puppy not on a leash and was letting it walk around in my grass.  He DID NOT have anything with him to clean up any puppy poop either.

I had to bite my tongue to keep from yelling at them to get off my grass.  And from shaking my fist at them.

Hubby is rubbing off on me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Mrs. Curmudgeon...

Actually, you are not alone. I have seen LL go run people off of our sidewalk as their dogs were leaving their signature on our lawn.

Have a great week! Grandpa