Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The Incredible Shrinking Hubby

I added a new weight tracker for Hubby.  He is doing so good!  His starting weight was taken  on June 15th.  That is not his highest weight though.  He was up there with me, where I started at.  But we didn't really start tracking good until this June.

His current pictures, wearing a size smaller pants because his other ones were falling off.

He has always told me how he has walked right past me and not recognized me.  

And I always scoffed.  

But last weekend at Ikea, I looked right past him.  Twice.


Lazy Teen said...

HAH. Good job mommy :P

Anonymous said...

Good job both of you. You are an inspiration to all of us who see you work so hard at it and it encourages the rest of us to do our best to fight for good health. You will make it all the way. Zodiac