Friday, December 19, 2008

It Won't Stop

When we moved into this house it was a February.  The people who previously owned it did not put in a forwarding address order.  I collected all their mail in a bag.  I figured they would eventually come by and ask for it.  Especially when they noticed they weren't getting some of their bills.

Well I was wrong.  They never did.

Lazy Teenager knew who their son was at school, so she mentioned to him that we had a bag full of their mail and they may want to come by and get it.

It's been almost 6 years ago, and I don't remember now if they ever came to get it or if I gave up and threw it away.  I am pretty sure I gave up and threw it away.

Anyway, their mail eventually slowed down, but to this day, has never stopped arriving.

Case in point:Every single Christmas we get a delivery intended for the previous owners.

The first year it came we set it aside, and waited for them to come get it.  Lazy Teenager told the kid it was here.  Nothing.  I think by March or April we finally gave up and opened it.

Second year, delivery comes.  I leave it outside on the porch.  I call the company that is on the label.  They make a note on the account that the address is invalid.  They don't know if they will be able to have it picked up or not.  A couple of days later it is gone off the porch.  Taken by a neighbor kid?  Picked up by the company?  Don't know, don't care, it's gone, I'm done.

Third year no delivery.  We are free.

Fourth year, delivery comes.  Sent by the SAME company.  We give up and just open it.

Fifth year, delivery comes.

This year, delivery comes:

It's from a new place this time.  Should I even bother trying to stop it?

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