Monday, December 22, 2008

The continuing antics of Lazy Teenager

Lazy Teenager’s roommate, Mr. Nice Guy, bought a new car after Lazy Teenager wrecked his other one.


When Mr. Nice Guy wouldn’t let her drive his new car, she actually got upset with him and couldn’t understand why he won’t.  She thinks he is mean.


Mr. Nice Guy has finally gotten fed up with Lazy Teenager; no job, not helping around the apartment, etc.  He has asked her and her boyfriend, who has moved into the apartment as well, to move out.


Supposedly, her and the boyfriend, the boyfriend’s sister and her boyfriend, another friend and her husband, are all going to get a 3 bedroom apartment together.


Out of those 6, 3 have jobs and 1 has a car.


Oh brother.


No exact timetable was established for the move out.  Tentatively, they are waiting for tax returns to pay deposits and such.


She may not have that long though.  She may be about to come home and find her stuff on the curb.


Apparently last night Lazy Teenager helped herself to Mr. Nice Guy’s car.  He didn’t know where she was and he had to call someone else for a ride to work.


He should have called the police.


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