Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Project: Finish The Bedroom

Day Four:  All textured and ready to paint the ceiling and start the trim.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Project: Finish The Bedroom

Day Three:  Rusty!  My new best friend!  He taped and mudded the new wall, the ceiling and "fixed" the work we had done on the other 3 walls.  All in a matter of a few hours.  Today is sanding and texturing day.

He also gave us a reasonable (comparable to other ads and he was available this week!) quote for doing the painting and trim.  And installing a new ceiling fan.  By this weekend I WILL ACTUALLY HAVE A COMPLETED BEDROOM.

Project: Finish The Bedroom

Day Two: Insulation installation

And a WALL!

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Project: Finish The Bedroom

Day One: get rid of the window that faces the neighbor's driveway and gets flooded by headlights whenever anyone pulls in.

Christmas Wrap Up

Lots of presents

Santa Claus leftovers

Everyone having fun

Even Surly Teenager was smiling

Then the surliness took over again

A couple of extra presents tried to come home with us

Lazy Teenager didn't go with us because she didn't want to leave The Boyfriend alone.  

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Monday, December 22, 2008

The continuing antics of Lazy Teenager

Lazy Teenager’s roommate, Mr. Nice Guy, bought a new car after Lazy Teenager wrecked his other one.


When Mr. Nice Guy wouldn’t let her drive his new car, she actually got upset with him and couldn’t understand why he won’t.  She thinks he is mean.


Mr. Nice Guy has finally gotten fed up with Lazy Teenager; no job, not helping around the apartment, etc.  He has asked her and her boyfriend, who has moved into the apartment as well, to move out.


Supposedly, her and the boyfriend, the boyfriend’s sister and her boyfriend, another friend and her husband, are all going to get a 3 bedroom apartment together.


Out of those 6, 3 have jobs and 1 has a car.


Oh brother.


No exact timetable was established for the move out.  Tentatively, they are waiting for tax returns to pay deposits and such.


She may not have that long though.  She may be about to come home and find her stuff on the curb.


Apparently last night Lazy Teenager helped herself to Mr. Nice Guy’s car.  He didn’t know where she was and he had to call someone else for a ride to work.


He should have called the police.


Got A Condo Made of Stone-a....

King Tut.


We went to the King Tut exhibit this weekend. 


If you have a chance to go I highly recommend it.


Saturday, December 20, 2008

The Best Christmas Song EVER

I first heard this song a couple of years ago on the way to work.  I immediately called Hubby and turned it up so he could hear it too.  It tickled him as much as it did me.

Either that or he is just humoring me.

Now, at random times, one of will make donkey noises "heehaw heehaw" and the other is REQUIRED to immediately answer with "la la la lalalala ..."

Friday, December 19, 2008

It Won't Stop

When we moved into this house it was a February.  The people who previously owned it did not put in a forwarding address order.  I collected all their mail in a bag.  I figured they would eventually come by and ask for it.  Especially when they noticed they weren't getting some of their bills.

Well I was wrong.  They never did.

Lazy Teenager knew who their son was at school, so she mentioned to him that we had a bag full of their mail and they may want to come by and get it.

It's been almost 6 years ago, and I don't remember now if they ever came to get it or if I gave up and threw it away.  I am pretty sure I gave up and threw it away.

Anyway, their mail eventually slowed down, but to this day, has never stopped arriving.

Case in point:Every single Christmas we get a delivery intended for the previous owners.

The first year it came we set it aside, and waited for them to come get it.  Lazy Teenager told the kid it was here.  Nothing.  I think by March or April we finally gave up and opened it.

Second year, delivery comes.  I leave it outside on the porch.  I call the company that is on the label.  They make a note on the account that the address is invalid.  They don't know if they will be able to have it picked up or not.  A couple of days later it is gone off the porch.  Taken by a neighbor kid?  Picked up by the company?  Don't know, don't care, it's gone, I'm done.

Third year no delivery.  We are free.

Fourth year, delivery comes.  Sent by the SAME company.  We give up and just open it.

Fifth year, delivery comes.

This year, delivery comes:

It's from a new place this time.  Should I even bother trying to stop it?


This is a test post.
This is only a test.  If this had been an actual post, there would be something more interesting to read other than this.
Okay, maybe not more interesting.  But something different anyway.
I am testing the Post To Your Blog By Sending An Email feature. 
For some reason my company has Blogspot blocked.  It's almost like they don't want people blogging while at work.  What else do they expect us to do here all day?  Work?
Surly Teenage is going to a real live SALON this afternoon to have her hair styled.  I am anticipating short hair with highlights.  There will be pictures.  Oh yes there will.

Thursday, December 18, 2008


Internet mom now has a computer and is on-line.

Save yourself.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

New Addition to the front yard

Birthday present from my sister.

My Weekend

One of my birthday presents.
He's guarding the front door.
He trips anybody who tries to break in.
Or sneak out.

Other birthday present.
He screens my calls for me.

Finally got the tree decorated and some presents wrapped.

And the outside of the house.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Fill 'Er Up

I had an appointment today with my lap band doctor.  Good thing too.  See that little ticker up there?  It should actually be back a few to the left, but I couldn't bring myself to change it.  

I did bad this time of year last year too.  I don't know what it is about the Holidays that just makes me tired of having to watch what I eat.  And it's not that I go that much off the deep end.  I just slack off on exercising and eat without thinking too much about it.

That's a bad combination for me.  As much as I may hate it, it is a fact of my life that I will always have to exercise and I will always have to be super aware of every bite I take.

I can't remember if I have mentioned it before or not, but my doctor uses a fluoroscopy now when fills are done.  It is really cool and totally worth the barium I have to drink.

My band is fine.  It is in a good position and my esophagus looked better.  The last time he thought I might be developing (or actually had before the band, but unknown) a slight motility issue.

I got .3 cc's added.  That makes a total of 3.9 cc's in my 4.0 cc band.  Technically, it can actually hold around 4.5 cc's.  But I would prefer to not push it to that extent.  I worry a lot about a slip or erosion and having to have it removed.

Hopefully this will be the fill to see me to my goal weight.  Whatever that may be.

Monday, December 8, 2008

This Is New

Haylie has been spending too much time with Clementine.  She has started to embrace her inner cat.  I'm not worried until I find her in a cardboard box.

And yes, I know.  If I had actually put the laundry away instead of leaving it in the basket, it wouldn't have been there for her to get all hairy.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Ewwww Gross

I was eating a chili from Wendy's and I spooned up a small, green lump.

I passed it to Hubby.

Me:  What's this?
Hubby: A jalapeno.
M: It looks like a green bean.
H (popping it in his mouth and chewing it up): You're right, it's a green bean.

I don't know which grossed me out more; the fact that Wendy's doesn't have anything on their menu that includes green beans or that he ate it to tell me what it was.