Thursday, November 6, 2008

Yummy Stuff

One night a while ago I was being bombarded with the "what's for dinner" and I had no idea.  After listening to the whining and moaning and "I'm hungry! Is it done yet?" (and I had not even started!) I just grabbed some stuff and threw it together in a skillet, poured some rotel tomato over it and called it good.

They loved it.

I started getting specific requests for Stuff.  "What's for dinner?" "I don't know."  "Ohhh, can you make some Stuff!"

So we now have Stuff on a regular basis.

Tonight, Surly Teenager decided it needed an accompaniment.  

So now Stuff has become:  Stuff and Cornbread.  

1 comment:

~Gretchen~ said...

When we were first married, Dowlan would come in and ask what's for dinner. The answer was usually 'chicken and stuff' or 'beef and stuff'