Thursday, April 21, 2011

I Got Gotcha'd

Lazy Non-Teenager has wisely decided, after being out in the cold cruel world for the last 4 years, that maybe living at home and going to college and working part time and putting up with us horrible parents, may not be that bad after all.

Welcome back home, Lazy Non-Teenager.

So, LNT had a job interview this morning at 11. Before I left for work this morning I asked Hubby to make sure she got up in time to take a shower and get to the interview. Then about an hour before it was time, I texted LNT to remind her of the interview.

Several hours later I get a reply text: Oops.

I couldn't decide if she was being funny or not. I replied: You better be kidding. Her answer was: Hubby didn't wake her up.

Mad doesn't even begin to describe it. But I held my tongue and counted to 10 (a few hundred times) to cool down.

Then I texted back and told her to call them RIGHT THIS SECOND. I told her to apologize to them and see if they would reschedule and that she was at another appointment and thought she was going to be done in time but wasn't and she couldn't make a call.

Yes. I told her to lie. I'm such a good mom.

A few minutes later I get a phone call from her. She tells me HA-HA the interview went great and she is supposed to call them in a couple of weeks to schedule the second interview. She said she was actually awake this morning and she heard me ask Hubby to wake her up. Plus, she had set an alarm. She said my Hubby made her pretend she missed it, it was all his idea. It might have been his idea but she didn't have to go along with it. (She was all surprised that I had asked him to wake her up. She had set an alarm. She's a grown woman after all. Yeah, but I'm just not used to her being responsible. )

It's ok though. I will consider it payback for that time my BFF and I fooled my kids and hers, into believing we had won the lottery. Or that time Hubby and I put oregano in a baggie and pretended like we thought it was pot and that we had found it in her bedroom. Or that time when I woke her and her sister up in the middle of the night and told them it was morning and they got ready for school and only figured it out when they went to go get in the car and it was dark outside. Or that time....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

being pranked is not fun. oma