Handy Husband!
With the temperature in the teen's and twenty's, our heater has been running almost nonstop all week.
It took it's toll on Saturday evening.
I smelled something burning, but I couldn't tell where it was coming from. I checked with Hubby to see if he was soldering something, but he wasn't. We went from room to room, checking outlets and power strips to see if anything felt hot, and sniff, sniff, sniffing, trying to pinpoint the burn.
No such luck.
After about 20 minutes, Hubby headed back to his computer workroom and I headed back to the family where I was cleaning and organizing (I know!).
I happened to walk directly under the air vent and got a strong whiff of the burning smell. When I mentioned to Hubby that maybe it was the heater and the smell was blowing out the vents and that's why we couldn't find it, he remembered that I had said the heater was making a funny noise that morning right after we got up.
He immediately went to work:

It took about 3 minutes for him to
decide it was the blower motor and to
start taking things apart.

He took it all apart,
then hit the internet.
He found the part on line, but it would have to be shipped here. After a little more looking around he found some local places that carried the motor. BUT they were closed Saturdays and Sundays. We would have had to go the rest of the weekend with no heat.
No thank you. It's not in the 20's, but it is far from warm.
Then put it all back together again.
It may not last, but it may buy us some time.
So far so good.
EditedToAdd: Well, it's official. It won't last. It is only buying us some time. It started making the noise again. I turned the temp way down, so it won't have to come on as often. Here's hoping it holds out until Monday at least. Then the place is open to buy the new motor.